Schools, Libraries & Book Groups
I'm currently taking bookings for school and library visits.
I love meeting with readers and writers of all ages. I have a variety of tested events and activities for primary and secondary schools. I can also customize an event to meet your objectives. If you’d like to invite me to visit your school or library – either in person or online via Skype – please contact me at sara (at) to discuss fees and dates.
School and Library Events
Feature Presentation for Assemblies
High energy, educational and entertaining are key words to describe my interactive, feature presentation. I share my passion for creating and reading stories. I prefer to show – not tell – my audience how to create an engaging story. I like to think of it as Author Improv. I take suggestions from audience members and lead them in a session that demonstrates how easy it is to create an original story. I hope my audience will leave inspired to tell their own stories.
“Sara held our students captivated and when you consider that the audience was made up of 200 year 7 students plus a further 60 from the local primary school, you will appreciate this is no mean feat. I have hosted over 30 author visits as a school librarian and I would rate Sara’s talk as one of the best.” – librarian, Brentwood County High School
Creative Writing Workshops
I'm happy to talk in-depth about creative writing, focus on a particular aspect of writing – plot, character, setting, etc. – or work one-on-one with students on fiction writing projects. My favourite presentation is a ‘crash course’ in creating fiction. Through brainstorming, character and plotting exercises, each student will develop his/her own story. My ‘crash course’ can focus on general fiction or feature writing a mystery or thriller.
“What was notable was the way in which [Sara] succeeded in interesting both the enthusiasts and the more hesitant…She’s a lovely person and the girls felt entirely at ease with her…Her mix of charm and practicality worked well, and the girls knew that they were in safe hands. Sara is strong and I can imagine her being successful in a wide variety of school environments.” – head of learning & life skills, Kent College, Tunbridge Wells
“The way in which Sara was able to chivy even some of our most shy students into eagerly participating was a joy to observe and the boys are already asking when she’ll visit again!... I will most certainly recommend Sara to other schools and am already looking forward to seeing her at Wetherby again.” – Head of English, Wetherby Senior School, London
“I wrote an entire short story in the session – I am really proud of myself.” –teen student at South Essex College
GCSE Creative Writing Prep Workshops
I present a hands-on and practical workshop for students preparing for their GCSE creative writing exam. This session offers tips and advice on how students can approach the exam. I talk though exam question samples and then give the students the chance to apply what they’ve learned.
“Sara’s GCSE workshops are engaging, thoughtful and equipped our year 11’s with a unique perspective on the GCSE Creative writing exam. Sara’s enthusiasm for her subject was absorbed by our students and created a real ‘buzz’ around our school. An experience not to be missed!” – Lead Practitioner, Kingsthorpe College, Northampton
Book Chat
I share the evolution of Chasing Danger– from spark to publication – as well as discuss the opportunities and challenges of creating an action-packed series for teen readers. My presentation blends brief readings from Chasing Danger with interactive elements to engage my audience.
Workshop on Revision
A first draft is only the first step on the road to publication. Reading and re-reading a manuscript is not enough. How can writers get beyond line-editing and really roll up their sleeves and make a good story great? I have developed a series of tips and tricks to help writers review and re-build their manuscripts. I can provide an hour-long, high-level presentation on revision or up to a day-long, hands-on workshop.
“Sara Grant, if you are not aware is a brilliant, award-winning author as well as being an entertaining speaker and all-round lovely person. I have had the pleasure of working with her several times over the past few years, and have watched as she has held audiences entranced with her reading and talks which flip between humour and seriousness. Her workshops can be tailored to specific age groups from primary-age readers to adults.” – past chair London Youth Libraries Group, School Librarian for Farringtons School
“Sara’s visit showed our students the work that is writing and illustrated the process and power of revision. My students loved her frank and honest discussion about how difficult it is to write even about topics and issues that you care deeply. Dark Parties has not spent a single day on our library shelves...the kids (and adults) loved it!” – Senior English Teacher, Eastern Greene High School, Indiana, USA
Book Groups
I'm happy to attend book groups in person or via Skype. I would be happy to lead discussions on my books or other appropriate fiction for children or teens.
Workshops for adults
I also give a variety of workshops for writers interested in writing for children and teens. Find out more about my workshops for writers.
Discussion Sheet & Activities
Writing for me is an exploration of ideas and issues. I've created a series of dicussion sheets, activities and creative writing exercises for my books. Be aware that their may be spoilers in the questions I provide so don't use the links below until you've read the book.
Chasing Danger -- Discussion Questions and Creative Writing Exercises
Dark Parties -- Discussion Questions
Half Lives -- The Story Behind the Book and Discussion Questions
Magic Trix -- Activies and Games
Here's what teachers & librarians say about my events...
"'Sara's crime mystery interactive workshop was a whirlwind of enthusiasm, energy and passion for the detective genre; our boys were entirely engrossed from start to finish! The way in which Sara was able to chivy even some of our most shy students into eagerly participating was a joy to observe and the boys are already asking when she'll visit again! Sara also presented an educational workshop about the creative process to our Year 10 students: this was both highly informative, whilst also being personal and fully engaged our boys. I will most certainly recommend Sara to other schools and am already looking forward to seeing her at Wetherby again." -- Lottie Kirk, Head of English, Wetherby Senior, London
“Sara held our students captivated and when you consider that the audience was made up of 200 year 7 students plus a further 60 form the local primary school, you will appreciate this is no mean feat. After speaking about her own work, Sara practically ran a creative writing workshop with the whole audience showing them how to develop character, plot and setting. I think the students were surprised by their own creativity and were thrilled to be part of this story that developed as Sara spoke. I have hosted over 30 author visits as a school librarian and I would rate Sara’s talk as one of the best.” -- Ann Smy, librarian, Brentwood County High School
“Sara Grant, if you are not aware is a brilliant, award-winning author as well as being an entertaining speaker and all-round lovely person. I have had the pleasure of working with her several times over the past few years, and have watched as she has held audiences entranced with her reading and talks which flip between humour and seriousness. Her workshops can be tailored to specific age groups from primary-age readers to adults.” – Matt Imrie, past chair London Youth Libraries Group, School Librarian for Farringtons School
“Sara's visit showed our students the work that is writing and illustrated the process and power of revision. My students loved her frank and honest discussion about how difficult it is to write even about topics and issues that you care deeply. Dark Parties has not spent a single day on our library shelves...the kids (and adults) loved it!” – Ted Baechtold, Senior English Teacher, Eastern Greene High School
“The workshop mixed fun and creativity with rolling your sleeves up and getting down to some serious writing. All learners achieved something from the workshop and went away full of renewed confidence in their writing, and feeling energised and inspired. They learnt a range of writing skills including how to start a piece of creative writing and how to put their ideas onto paper, which might spark an interesting new hobby for them, as well as being transferable into their vocational areas.” – Susan Sandercock, Curriculum Leader for English at South Essex College.
Amnesty Uses DARK PARTIES to Teach Human Rights

Amnesty also has created a discussion sheet on Dark Parties for teachers to use when exploring human rights issues. Download the PDF here! To find out more about Amnesty and other books with similar topics, visit Amnesty's web site.